Oats Studio Zygote
- Zygote from OatsStudios directed by Neill Blomkamp is now free online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKWB-MVJ4sQ&t=851s
I had the honor to concept, model and texture the zygote, by far the most challenging task I have ever had to tackle. Everyone on the oats vfx team were amazing. Eric D Légaré did the insane task of rigging it, Abhishek Joshi lead the lookdev, and Chris Harvey was a great VFX Supervisor. All of the concept art and models can be downloaded through Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/652150/Oats_Studios__Volume_1_Assets/
If you want to see Oats Volume 2 support us through the Oats website http://oatsstudios.com/.